Evolution of Modern Nondestructive testing-Methods for the Inspection of Lightweight Components
Marc Kreutzbruck, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Advanced Materials – Industry Demands for Materials and New Types of Testing
David Podrug, Element Materials Technology Berlin GmbH
Reducing Experimental Rig Cost and Schedule Risk Through the Use of 3D Printing
Russell Jones, FTT Florida Turbine Technologies
Validation of Tip Timing Blade Vibration Measurement Systems with Synthetic Signals
Uwe Pfeifer, Siemens AG
Development of Quiet Automotive Brakes
Daniel Alarcon, Technische Hochschule Wildau
Challenges of Trend Monitoring on Modular Test Setups
M.O. Dräger, M.Werther, F. Grewe, Anecom AeroTest GmbH
Strategies for Model Validation
Carsten Schedlinski, ICS Engineering GmbH
Software – Product Validation and Testing
Ljupco Vasilevski, EIN-SOF Macedonia
Psychoacoustic Methods for Automotive and Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Peter Blaschke, Technische Hochschule Wildau
Assessment of the Reliability of NDE: Influencing Factors on POD and Human Factors is an Organizational Context
C. Müller, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung (BAM)
Facilitating Timely Technology Development by Leveraging Existing Test Vehicle Demonstrator
Dr. Bart von Duikeren, FTT Deutschland GmbH
High Resolution Ultrasonic Measurements Using Immersion Technique
Thomas Heckel, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Test Self-Healing Aerospace Composites
Martin Rod, Element Materials Technology Berlin GmbH
NodeController – Cross-linking Test Environments for more Test Efficiency
Hans Carl, FTI Group
Software Design for Testability – An Innovative Approach
Dr. Markus Jungmann, Eckelmann AG
Maintaining and Testing, the Key Drivers for Life Cycle Costing (LCC) of Products and Services
Joachim Schöffer, 4Cost GmbH
Objectice Motion Cueing Test (OMCT) of ICAO 9625 and Implications on Flight Simulators
Dr. Verena Ehrler, DLR e.V.
Torsten Gerlach, DLR e.V.
Who Protects What? – Latest Developments in the Field of Testing
Renate Weisse, European Patent Attorney